Culinary Arts
The learning objectives for this course are for students to gain important culinary and nutrition skills for personal living as well as to develop student awareness and interest/knowledge of the food industry overall. Because this is mostly a “hands-on” food class; attendance, participation, and following strict guidelines/classroom procedures are the “recipe” for success.
Course Description
This course is designed to introduce the student to careers in the food industry and the principles of food preparation, including understanding of food and kitchen safety and sanitation practices, basics of nutrition and healthy menus, chemistry of foods and cooking processes, food costs and budgeting, food identification, basic culinary terminology and techniques, proper use of kitchen tools and equipment, elements of food preservation, food quality checkpoints during production and government regulations affecting food and the consumer, food service etiquette, and cultural foods. This is NOT just a COOKING CLASS and we will NOT be cooking daily. However, food labs and demonstrations do play a significant role in the course.